Carbs to Eat More

Carbs to Eat More

That’s right, you didn’t misread the title. We love carbs, just ask my clients! Carbohydrates are so crucial for energy during workouts, brain power throughout the day, and a balanced lifestyle. Don’t cut carbs this year! Here are my 5 power carbohydrate sources to ADD to your diet this year.

1. Oats

Oats are so good for your digestive and cardiovascular health. They contain soluble fiber that makes you feel fuller for longer without causing a huge spike and crash in your blood sugar. Pair them with a protein like eggs or greek yogurt to complete your plate. For clients with high cholesterol, this is one of those foods that will help lower that “bad” cholesterol level.

2. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a starchy vegetable and a staple in my home. They are fiber rich and full of Vitamin A, as well as so many other antioxidants. Sweet potatoes can also help curb that sweet tooth or a french fry craving! Peel, chop in chunks, toss in olive oil, salt and pepper and roast on a baking sheet in the oven for 25 minutes on 425*. Dip in sugar free ketchup for a french fry alternative.

3. Berries

Berries are one of the healthiest foods on the planet. They are full of so many antioxidants while remaining low in sugar and calories. They contain flavonoids that help fight heart disease. Plus, they are delicious. Throw them in oatmeal, high fiber cereal, and greek yogurt. For my diabetic patients, I remind them that berries are lower in sugar than most fruits so eat up!

4. Quinoa

While technically a seed, this rice alternative is a whole grain and incredible source of fiber. It even contains a little more protein than most carbohydrates. Quinoa is safe for gluten-sensitive and celiac individuals as well. Pair it with salmon and Brussels for a yummy week night dinner. Unsure if you like it? Order a quinoa power bowl at Panera or consider purchasing a 90 second microwave pouch to test it before you cook it.

5. Chickpeas

Chickpeas are linked to lower cholesterol, decreased risk of cancer, and increased bone density. They are high in a fiber called raffinose, which is a game changer for your gut health. Roast them for a salad topper or blend them for a homemade hummus. Throw on salads or use as a plant based protein/carb source on your dinner plate.

Need more help picking smart carbohydrates and building balanced meals? Let’s chat!

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